Choose the Best Blogging Platform for Earn Money – Comparison 2021

Choose the Best Blogging Platform for Earn Money

Choosing to begin a blog accompanies a ton of choices to make. One such choice: What's the best contributing to a blog stage would it be a good idea for me to utilize?

While there are various writing for a blog stages accessible, beneath we investigate probably the most well-known stages to help you settle on the best choice.

What is the Best Blogging Platform?


So What is the Best Blogging Platform? stores your site's substance for nothing on their workers. In any case, this implies clients get a restricted variant of the WordPress programming. In any case, it's a pleasant decision for interest bloggers who would prefer not to put away cash. It's likewise a decent choice for individuals who intend to move up to a self-facilitated WordPress blog later on. 


  1. No set-up costs.
  2. Easy to use; no coding or plan information required.
  3. Many subjects to browse.


  1. Usefulness is restricted except if you pay for updates.
  2. It looks less expert.
  3. You don't in fact possess your blog, which implies you have little power over promoting income. It means that WordPress can suspend your site whenever.
  4. Your site accompanies .wordpress in the area.

Price: Completely free programming; Approximately $3 each month for hosting. 

A self-hosting WordPress blog is one that utilizes the WordPress programming on an outsider worker. With it, you can introduce modules, alter your HTML code, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, giving you full command over your site while making it look more expert. A self-facilitated WordPress blog is generally the most ideal approach for anybody willing to two or three dollars each month. It's ideal for entrepreneurs, proficient brand manufacturers, and any blogger hoping to extend their website's usefulness and expert appearance. Find more WordPress facilitating suppliers at 


  1. Easy to use with full control and customization choices.   
  2. Access more than 1,500 free subjects and 20,000 free modules.
  3. Internet searcher well disposed alternatives.


  1. Hosting on a third-get-together worker can require some specialized information, however most has (like Bluehost or Hostgator) offer quality specialized help.
  2. Because of its notoriety, WordPress is helpless against security dangers.



Price: Totally Free

Since Blogger is claimed by Google, you'll approach Google devices like AdSense, Analytics, and so on In any case, Blogger isn't close to as adaptable as This stage is incredible for side interest bloggers and brand manufacturers who would prefer not to put away any cash however might need to bring in some cash through promotions. Since it is not difficult to utilize, it is additionally an incredible stage for novice bloggers simply getting familiar with everything.


  • Totally free and simple to utilize.
  • Can put AdSense promotions.
  • Admittance to HTML code, so there are more customization choices.


  • Fewer topics and extra room than
  • You can't be a self-host, so your blog will totally depend on Blogger's contributions.
  • Your website will have .blogspot in the title. 



Price: Completely Free.

Tumblr is not difficult to use and is an exceptionally friendly stage. This is the ideal spot for bloggers who like the possibility of "reblogging" posts. Its foundation is best for microbloggers, so it's maybe not the best spot to begin on the off chance that you are hoping to grow long-structure content.


  • Limitless capacity.
  • Roughly 1,000 topics to browse.
  • HTML and CSS access for customization.


  • Back up your blog and importing content from different blogs is very difficult.
  • There are exceptionally restricted module choices.
  • It is difficult to adapt.  



Price:  $8.95+/monthly

TypePad is a decent stage for business experts or brand manufacturers who wouldn't fret putting some cash each month into their blog. That cost can pay in conveying more highlights and a more expert-looking site. In any case, the vast majority will in any case advise business bloggers to pick a self-facilitated WordPress stage because of its huge local area, however, TypePad has its benefits.


  • They have on their workers, yet you own your blog.
  • Limitless extra room.
  • Simple to utilize.


  • It costs a couple of dollars more each month than a self-facilitated WordPress site.
  • Customization choices can be restricted.



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